Nuovo episodio della telenovela “One Direction vs The Wanted”, Louis Tomlinson e Tom Parker scendono sul ring di Twitter per scriversi messaggi in 140 caratteri al vetriolo.

I dissapori tra le due band è ormai storica, ed entrambe le band ne approfittano di ogni occasione per riaprire vecchie ferite.

Il tutto questa volta è iniziato in un momento di pausa durante la registrazione per il 1D3D Movie “This Is Us” della “intimate gig”, il concerto per 1.000 persone alla O2 Arena di Londra, in cui sembra che Louis abbia detto – ironicamente – che c’era poca gente al concerto (rispetto ai sold out registrati nella medesima venue) perché il resto di Londra era interessata ai The Wanted.

Una volta che la notizia è giunta alle orecchie di Tom Parker – membro della band – è scoccato il gong sul ring di Twitter, tra battutine e insulti più o meno velati.

Non è la prima volta che succede, lo scorso dicembre Louis aveva poi ammesso che si trattava solo di uno “scherzo”.

Nel corso della discussione si sono inseriti anche Max George, Liam Payne e Jay McGuinness.

Di seguito la “battaglia” a colpi di tweet tra i due:

Tom Parker: @Louis_Tomlinson you even talk about us at your own gigs. Are you that upset you didn’t get in this band?

Louis Tomlinson: @TomTheWanted Pal, we both know I wouldn’t waste my time auditioning for your band. You humour me with your bad boy persona.

Louis Tomlinson: “Uh oh . @tomthewanted The Wanted’s Tom Parker: My failed X Factor audition shattered me | … via @MetroUK”

Tom Parker: “@Louis_Tomlinson you were too busy “wowing the judges” with THIS  … #louisgottalent #nicework”

Tom Parker: “Yes @Louis_Tomlinson, I don’t need to call producers to beg my way on to a track over my “friends” #crybaby #loyalty #louisgottalent”

Louis Tomlinson: “@TomTheWanted Interesting you have to entertain your many followers with lies. I actually think you could be the biggest twat on twitter.”

Louis Tomlinson: “@TomTheWanted why don’t we make your next single our movie soundtrack ?”

Tom Parker: “Hmm @Louis_Tomlinson I’d love to make the soundtrack to Mean Girls 3″

Louis Tomlinson: “@TomTheWanted not a bad idea actually maybe @maxthewanted could ask Lindsay?”

Louis Tomlinson: “@TomTheWanted P.S enjoy the press from this .”

Tom Parker: “@Louis_Tomlinson I’ll enjoy the press even more when you come clean #narnia #itgetsbetter”

Louis Tomlinson: “@TomTheWanted You clearly spend too much time on twitter. Funny that face to face you act like a little girl. Goodnight old friend.”

Liam Payne: “@TomTheWanted @Louis_Tomlinson hey Tom lets talk about your singing your amazing tone pierces my ears with every note :/”

Louis Tomlinson: “@Real_Liam_Payne @tomthewanted I also heard he wets the bed.”

Tom Parker: “@Real_Liam_Payne aww bless!”

Jay McGuiness: “Dear @Louis_Tomlinson, please stop mentioning us in your gigs, we certainly no longer mention you and it’s time to let dead dogs lie. Your passive-aggressive style of speaking makes me cringe, and I wish you’d either have the bollocks of some of your co-workers to speak truthfully, or the class of the majority of them to be silent. I’m not sure what’s happened since we saw you at the XFactor, but you’ve done a sterling job of becoming one of the most overrated, arrogant and not to mention insincere people around. Your shocking lack of talent will only be forgiven by lots of humility and no-strings-attached friendship among your band. Louis, don’t measure your worth in followers or money, because they’re fickle, and when they go you might just feel worthless.”

Louis Tomlinson: “@JayTheWanted this would be a lovely insight for your next book. You must have been a splendid student. Never forget you boys started this.”

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